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“How Do I Break Up With Plastic?”

Writing for Moms Clean Air Force, “Mom Detective” Alexandra Zissu explores ways of avoiding single-use plastic—and using less plastic in general. Here is practical advice for zero-waste living:

“Living a plastic-free or even zero waste life is such a gorgeous goal. There are so many reasons to use less plastic, including that plastic is harmful to the environment as well as human health. Plastic is made from petrochemicals and it’s increasingly showing up in our bodies. We’re eating plastic, and we’re drinking plastic. As you say, plastic is truly everywhere, and the health impacts of petrochemical pollution are disturbing. Plastics and other petrochemicals are also the world’s fastest-growing industrial source of greenhouse gases.”

So much of this plastic, like single-use plastic, is nonessential. No one needs a plastic water bottle to drink out of once, then toss. Reducing the amount of plastic in your life is possible. It takes a mind shift. I have many easy tips for using less plastic that I’ve been relying on for years.  I’ll detail those below, going room by room of a home, plus share some ideas for when you’re on the go. But these really only scratch the surface. There are people who have built entire brands and written books about plastic-free living. Their work is more extensive than what I have space to share here. I’m indebted to their curiosity and creativity. Check out these inspiring go-to websites for additional ideas.

If you’re new to plastic-free living, the sheer amount of tips can feel overwhelming. Years ago, I started following the author Beth Terry, who has been actively avoiding plastic since at least 2007. Her 100 steps to a plastic-free life still holds up. So does her sage advice for anyone feeling unsure about what plastic-free steps to take first: ‘Choose a few that seem doable and that will make the most impact. No one can do it all at once.’ So true.

Read the full article.

Join Moms in urging President Biden to negotiate a powerful global plastics treaty. Sign the petition!

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