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Crane Ledge Woods: Coalition Update

This just in from the Crane Ledge Woods Coalition:

You may have read the recent Boston Globe article on Crane Ledge Woods: ‘The long-running fight over 24 acres on the border of Hyde Park and Roslindale has moved from City Hall to the courtroom.’

The article provides a fair description of project history, the currently pending lawsuit, and accurately describes our position that full conservation is the best ‘win-win’ resolution for this urban woodland.

At a time of climate change and environmental justice awareness, preservation of Crane Ledge Woods through fair and full compensation to the owner Jubilee Christian Church and the developer is by far the most sensible and necessary outcome. We appreciate the concerns expressed by property owner Jubilee and look to our City leadership to help achieve the positive final resolution for Jubilee and all parties.

It’s worth noting that even the usually ‘pro-development’ Globe business section addresses the positive arguments in favor of conservation of the natural urban woodland, while directing needed housing to where density can be accommodated, such as near public transit and walkable shopping districts.

Mayor Wu’s climate reports describe how historic redlined neighborhoods in Boston experience greater heat island and limited parks, reduced tree canopy, and greenspaces: This plan provides a citywide framework to prepare Boston for hotter summers, with particular focus on Boston’s environmental justice neighborhoods. Together, we can build a more just, equitable, and resilient Boston.

Preservation of Crane Ledge Woods will be a major positive step to address these serious, disparate impacts and be an important local contribution to addressing climate change on our planet.

Let’s all work together and preserve Crane Ledge Woods!”

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