Here are some of the groups we learn from and frequently work with—and they with us. These allies prioritize different aspects of our common goals: to reduce carbon emissions, halt global warming, and create more sustainable, livable communities.

American Rivers

has been at the forefront of protecting and restoring rivers for nearly 50 years. A future of clean water and healthy rivers everyone and for everyone is essential.

Audubon Society

protects birds and their ecosystems across the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation.

Audubon builds bird-friendly communities.

Boston Clean Energy Coalition (BCEC)

brings together member organizations and allies in the shared commitment to accelerate the shift away from natural-gas-driven energy in Boston’s buildings and toward construction fueled by renewables.

Boston Climate Action Network (BCAN)

organizes Boston communities and residents toward collaboration with social justice allies advocating for climate justice.

Boston Green New Deal Coalition (BGNDC)

is a civic network of groups and individuals committed to addressing economic, racial, environmental, and climate injustice in Boston. BGNDC is transforming the City into an equitable and environmentally healthy place to live by supporting anti-racist policies and programs that center those most impacted by ongoing injustices. 

Charlesgate Alliance

connects the Kenmore, Back Bay and Fenway neighborhoods to create safe, pedestrian-friendly public spaces. The Alliance is working with the Emerald Necklace Conservancy, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), and Landing Studio to implement the Charlesgate Revitalization Project.

Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA)

protects, restores, and enhances the Charles River and its watershed through science, advocacy, and the law.

Conservation Law Foundation
forges durable solutions to New England’s most critical environmental challenges caused by climate change, focusing specifically on clean water, healthy communities.

Crane Ledge Woods Coalition

is organizing to conserve Crane Ledge Woods, the largest unprotected urban wild remaining in Boston.

Elders Climate Action Network (ECA)
helps concerned elders become effective climate change activists. ECA views climate change advocacy as the most essential social movement of our time.

Emerald Necklace Conservancy (ENC)
maintains, restores, and protects the iconic urban parks designed by landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted. Working with its public partners, ENC stewards the Emerald Necklace for all.

Environment Massachusetts

advocates for clean air, clean water, clean energy, wildlife, open spaces, and a livable climate.

Gas Transition Allies

is a group of more than 30 organizations and researchers focused on reducing methane emissions and advancing a rapid, equitable transition to carbon-free energy sources. GTA’s coalition of scientists, gas experts, and concerned community members addresses the problems caused by aging, leaking pipes buried in our neighborhoods. 

Green Energy Consumers Alliance (GECA)

is committed to consumer empowerment in the transition to a low-carbon future. Positioned as an honest broker between people and energy services, GECA offers trustworthy information and insight on electric cars, renewable energy, clean heating, and more.


uses non-violent creative action to pave the way towards a greener, more peaceful world—and to confront the systems that threaten our environment.

The Home Energy Efficiency Team (HEET) is working toward the day when emissions fall to zero and we live in a restored climate. Until then, HEET members will do everything possible to change our current “business as usual” path forward to one that leads to a world powered by safe, equitable, clean, resilient and renewable energy systems. 

Living on Earth: Public Radio’s Environmental News Magazine

is a leading environmental news and information program committed to climate change
and the natural environment. The program airs live on WBUR on Saturday mornings.

MA Climate Action Network (MCAN)

acts as a facilitator to support local MCAN chapters to implement change at the municipal level. MCAN advocates for policies and programs that will benefit municipalities and their citizens.

The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) is the regional planning agency serving the people who live and work in the 101 cities and towns of Metropolitan Boston. Our mission is to promote smart growth and regional collaboration. Our regional plan, MetroFuture, guides our work as we engage the public in responsible stewardship of our region’s future. 

Mothers Out Front

envisions a future where every child is assured clean air and a livable climate—where homes and businesses are heated and cooled by affordable, energy efficient, all-electric systems powered by clean renewable energy. Mothers Out Front is founded on the conviction that there is no more powerful force for change than women mobilizing to protect their children.

Muddy Water Initiative

is a direct action, advocacy and educational clearinghouse for Boston’s Muddy River. Environmentalists, stakeholders, and stewards of the Muddy River, the Initiative pilots low-cost, community-accessible, climate-resilient projects that keep the River clean and our communities healthy.

Sierra Club MA

champions solutions to the climate crisis by working for clean air, safe water, land protection, and a vibrant natural world. By fighting for environmental and social justice, the Sierra Club fosters the enjoyment of the great outdoors. 

350 Mass

is building a powerful statewide movement to end the destructive dominance of the fossil fuel industry and encourage the transition to a just, equitable, and clean energy future.

Union of Concerned Scientists

applies rigorous, independent scientific inquiry to solve our planet’s most pressing problems. Combining technical analysis and effective advocacy, USC creates innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future.

We look forward to growing our list of climate action allies and invite your organization to contact us with your ideas: